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The Derbyshire Dales Ashbourne Accommodation Group (DDAAG) was formed in early 1999 with an aim to provide business support and quality advertising to our members. Our group is made up of local accommodation businesses in and around the Ashbourne area and covers Self Catering, Bed and Breakfast, Camping and Caravan sites.

The aim of our group is to:

  • Encourage the growth and development of small businesses in rural areas. These people can be isolated and we would like to encourage and offer the opportunity for the sharing of knowledge, information and best practices within the group.
  • Pool resources in order to market businesses more effectively.
  • Increase and develop advertising potential.
  • Provide an effective link between members and other organisations in promoting business interests.
  • Strengthen market share and identify new markets through associated networks.
  • Develop group quality tandards.
  • Bring new skills to the Group.
  • Encourage tourism to the area by promoting Derbyshire and the Peak District.
  • Constitution – Click here for a copy of our constitution.

The DDAAG is a friendly and informal group who meet 4 times a year at differing venues in order to discuss items of interest. Guest speakers may attend meeting to discuss such items as web sites, advertising, taxation, fire regulation, accountancy, food hygiene, courses available etc. The end result being that the group will develop, members will have a positive learning curve, business will improve and the opportunities will arise for the networking of similar or supporting businesses.

We also encourage the referral of surplus business within the group and to other similar Groups.

Get in Touch to Join!

Join Us: Online Application form.

Secretary Tel: 01335 344795